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How to pick a Subject for a Blog

When you have been in the business of writing blogs this should come easy, BUT when you have the need or simply want to incur in the trade, that´s when things get ugly

About writting posts

Recently I was reading about an article that was going to help me do just that, how to write a post, how to find time, and subject to do it, and how to program my self to make sure it will happen everyday, but as everything else I  put my mind into I get going but stop half way thru.

I´m making a promise that aleast I will finish the article in the hope that I will learn the whats and the hows of stayin blogging.

My first Blog

I have never had a blog before, but the term is so common to me that I don´t have the slightest idea how did I went so long without one. It does, by the way, has a purpose that has made the concept so popular and it has been of such help to most people that it was only my own skepticism the one that kept me from making use of it.

Hello world!

Welcome to After you read this, you should delete and write your own post, with a new title above. Or hit Add New on the left (of the admin dashboard) to start a fresh post.

Here are some suggestions for your first post.

  1. You can find new ideas for what to blog about by reading the Daily Post.
  2. Add PressThis to your browser. It creates a new blog post for you about any interesting  page you read on the web.
  3. Make some changes to this page, and then hit preview on the right. You can always preview any post or edit it before you share it to the world.